Helena Weinberg

Afra B2

Afra B2 is an international sport horse competed by Helena Weinberg, if you can help us expand our database with additional information, images, or videos please email us at info@stableexpress.com

Baby Rocking Horse

Every little girl enjoyed playing with dolls and the accessories that comes with the doll. Dolls are one of the most popular toys for children. Playing with dolls does not only keep your child entertained and happy, but it could also help in stimulating development. To further encourage child’s development, there are several toys which go together with dolls, like baby rocking horses.

A baby rocking horse would be able to encourage more nurturing and interactive play. These are great additions to doll collections and definitely a great gift for any child. Surely, a rocking horse for their doll would earn a sweet smile from your child’s lips and quick peck on the parents’ cheek.

Afra B2